IMO G Series Loader

The following information applies to the G Series Loader and the K Series Loader for the K7 PLC, enabling communications to be established using the comms port on the PLC.

Details on the Device Address can be found in the Device Properties Information Topic.


External Address Format

The External Address is an ascii string which exactly references an item of data within the PLC. It can be entered at configure time as a text string, and will be validated by the system before use.


     G Series Loader External Address


For External Address information referencing the G Series, see the IMO G Series Protocol documentation

     K Series Loader External Address


For External Address information referencing the K7 PLC, see the IMO K Series Protocol documentation


Offset Format

The software also allows an item of data within the PLC to be referenced by means of a table selection and an offset.


     G Series Loader Offset Format


For the offset information referencing the G Series, see the IMO G Series protocol documentation.

     K Series Loader Offset Format


For the offset information referencing the K7 PLC, see the IMO K Series documentation.


Property Pages      

No property pages exist for this protocol


G Series Loader Protocol Compatibility

Each of the ‘M’ tables reference the direct variable area, presenting the same data as different PLC types. In each case the offset references a single unit of the given table base type. The ‘Q’ group of tables (outputs) and the ‘I’ group of tables (inputs) also present the same data as different PLC types, and are referenced in terms of RACK, SLOT AND ITEM NUMBER.


A bit type table such as ‘%MX’ will only support the configuration of bit type points. No larger point types can be configured as only one bit can be read or written at a time. Since the same data is presented in other tables this does not matter. If a 16 bit value is required, a point could always be configured on the '%MW' table instead of '%MX' table, as this references the same table.

The byte, word and dWord type tables all support the configuration of smaller or bigger point types. All larger point types will read the required number of data units to fill the point. Smaller type points will scale down the data to fit it into the point. Bit type points allow the selection of a bit offset to reference the required bit from the data unit. In the case of bit selection points, drive outs will perform a 'bitset' operation through the protocol without having to perform a read/modify/write operation on the whole word. The option of using the ‘X’ type tables is always available to look at bit data rather than ‘bit picking’ from the ‘B’, ‘W’ or ‘D’ type tables.


K7 Loader Protocol Compatibility

A bit type table such as ‘M’ or ‘P’ will support the configuration of point types bigger than a bit, but only up to 16 bit types. Types bigger than 16 bits cannot be configured. If a 16-bit point is configured for example, 16 bits will be read from the table to fill the point. For K7, multiple bit driveouts are not supported on either RS485 or RS232. Single bit drive outs work in all cases.


A word type table such as ‘D’ supports the configuration of smaller or bigger point types. All larger point types will read the required number of words to fill the point. Byte type points will scale down the word to fit it into a byte. Bit type points allow the selection of a bit offset to reference the required bit from the word (0-15). In the case of bit selection points, drive outs will perform a read/modify/write operation as the protocol does not support a bit set operation in this case.


Port Settings

Port settings are configurable for both PLC’s within the PLC programming software. The following shows typical port setups:


RS232 G Series/K7 Loader                                                


Baud Rate




Data Bits




Stop Bits








Wiring Information

Connection of the PLC to a panel will be via either COM1 or COM2, using RS232 communications. The panel pin out diagram is shown below:




Connection of the PLC to a PC running OPC Server will be via any available COM port, which may be either 25 pin or 9 pin depending on what is available. The COM port pin out is shown below:







The IMO G or K7 loader port is the RS232 port on the PLC itself. This port has the following pin out:





The following shows the correct wiring for connection to an IMO G series or K7 PLC through the loader port:



     G Series Loader Example      


see the IMO G Series protocol documentation.

     K Series Loader Example      


see the IMO K Series documentation.